What is a doula?

A question we are asked often, and are happy to answer! A doula is so many things, from a friend, a confidant, a coach, a cheerleader, a support system, an educator, an advocator, but above all, a doula is, at their core, a birth coach and supporter. What do doulas do? Read on to find out!


At the center of a doula’s functionality, we have the primary function: support. From emotional to physical, your doula will provide the support you need and a shoulder to lean on when you need it most, in every stage of your journey. During pregnancy, that looks like listening to your thoughts and feelings, providing recommendations on comfort measures, and doing some physical support during late stage pregnancy. During birth, that looks like verbal coaching, physical support like counter pressure and positional changes, and ensuring your birth space is exactly how you’d prefer it to be. During postpartum, that is offering a listening ear, helping with baby and your needs, and supporting emotional change.


Doulas provide education through every step of someone’s journey: whether it’s pregnancy, birth, postpartum, loss, or abortion, your doula will provide unbiased information to help you make the best choices for you. This can come in the form of articles, podcasts, books, and even classes or workshops.


Another core tenet of doula work is not only advocating for you, but assisting you in advocating for yourself. This can be an important skill when it comes to providers who perhaps don’t agree with your ideals, or providers with limited experience with your condition(s), lifestyle, medical history, or current journey. During not only birth, but pregnancy and postpartum, your doula will advocate for you, but also empower you to advocate for yourself.


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